The School Day

The school day begins at 8.45am each day when doors are opened around the building to allow children to flow into classrooms calmly and settle to a task straight away. There are adults on each door to meet and greet the children and provide an opportunity for parents/carers to share news, ask questions or just have a chat. Any parent or carer wishing to have a more detailed conversation with an adult, should do so by requesting a telephone call at a convenient time.There is usually also a senior leader available at the front of the building on most days.The classroom doors are then closed at 9am and any children arriving after that time must enter through the main entrance.

The school day ends at 3.15pm and children exit the building from classroom or cloakroom doors whilst being supervised by an adult.

In school we have an internal buzzer system that gently reminds children about transition points throughout the day. The school day is organised as follows:

8.45am - 9am - Doors open for children to arrive

9.15am - 10.30am - Lesson 1 (Maths)

10.30am -10.45am - Morning Break Time (Foundation Stage, Class 1/2 and Class 3/4)

10.45am - 11am - Morning Break Time (Class 4/5 and Class 5/6)

10.45am - 12pm - Lesson 2 (English)

12pm - 1pm - Lunchtime

1pm -3pm - Lesson 3 and Lesson 4 (Topic)

2.30pm - 2.45pm - Afternoon Break Time (Foundation Stage/KS1 only)

3pm -  3.15pm - Preparing for home time.

3.15pm - Home time.

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