Our Governing Body

All schools in England have a governing body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a 'critical friend': to support, challenge, ask questions and represent the school community. Our Governing Body is made up of a range of people from a range of different backgrounds including: parents, staff members, local councillors and community representatives. The standard term of office for a governor is 4 years. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected every year.

Following a full review of the Governing Body in 2016, a decision was made to take shared responsibility, through committee groups, for key areas of school life rather than delegating responsibilities to individuals. Clear terms of reference for committee groups have been established.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, speak to the Headteacher Mrs Aldridge or the Chair of Governors, Mr Colin Lloyd.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please contact the school office directly.


Astmoor Primary School Governing Body


(Dated Appointed)


Committee Membership

Type of Governor

Declared Interest

Attendance record for last academic year

Mrs Louisa Aldridge



Curriculum Committee

Resources Committee

Co-opted Governor


Full Meetings:

8.2.23. 3.5.23, 4.10,23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24

Resources Committee:

18.1.23, 19.4.23, 12.7.23, 20.9.23

17.1.24, 14.4.24, 10.7.24

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24

Mr Colin Lloyd


Chair of Governors  

Trained in Safe Recruitment

Curriculum Committee

Resources Committee

Headteacher's Performance Management

Co-opted Governor

Married to Julie Lloyd (Governor)

Full GB meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23, 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24 (apologies)

Resources Committe

18.1.23, 19.4.23, 12.7.23, 20.9.23

17.1.24, 14.4.24, 10.7.24

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24

Mrs Liz Hughes


Curriculum Committee

Staff Governor


Full GB Meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23, 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24

Mr Joel Beavon

(Appointed 2.2.22)

Safeguarding and CiC Governor

Vice Chair of Governors                


Curriculum Committee


Co-opted Governor


Full GB Meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23, 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24

Mrs Julie Lloyd


Chair of Resources Committee


Curriculum Committee

Resources Committee

Co-opted Governor

Married to Colin Lloyd (Governor)

Full GB Meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23, 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24

Resources Committee:

18.1.23, 19.4.23, 12.7.23, 20.9.23

17.1.24, 14.4.24, 10.7.24

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24



Ms Jackie Connolly

(Appointed 5.10.22)


Reading Governor

Attendance Governor


Curriculum Committee

Head Teacher's Performance Management


Parent Governor




Full GB Meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23, 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24

Curriculum Committee:

 22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24




Parent Governor




Miss Kaleigh Pegram

(Appointed 13.1.20)


SEND Governor


Curriculum Committee

Head Teacher's Performance Management

Co -opted Governor


Full GB Meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23, 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24

Mrs Claire Lundstrom

(Appointed April 2024)


Curriculum Committee

Parent Governor


Full GB Meetings:

8.5.24, 9.10.24

Curriculum Committe:



Mr David Howard

(Appointed 3.2.21)


Chair of Curriculum Committee

Governor Training and Development

Staff Well-being Governor

Curriculum Committee

Co-opted Governor


Full GB Meetings:

8.2.23, 3.5.23 (apologies), 4.10.23

4.2.24, 8.5.24, 9.10.24 (apologies)

Curriculum Committee:

22.3.23, 14.6.23, 22.11.23

20.3.24, 12.6.24

Cllr Colin Hughes

(Appointed: Oct 2024)      


Curriculum Committee

Local Authority Governor


Full GB Meetings:

9.10.24 (apologies)


Curriculum committee:





Co-opted Governor





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