Remote Learning Offer

Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020/2021, schools have had to quickly adapt and find new ways of working. At Astmoor, we are able to offer Remote Home Learning opportunities through our school Learning Platform, DB Primary. To support parents and carers, we have produced a booklet which includes basic information on how to access the platform and also information to help you and your child get the best from it.

All classes have a class forum page on the DB platform which allows them to communicate and share learning. It is on the class page that the children can find their daily learning tasks. For all children, this consists of an English, maths and topic lesson each day. Some of these activities will be links to other websites such as Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize and some activities will be specifically designed by teachers but all activities have been chosen to fit in with curriculum plans.In addition to this, children are expected to complete their weekly spellings and practise their times tables.

Teachers will also regularly provide opportunities to have live lessons and chats with children through platforms such as zoom. They will support children and families to access these sessions if there are any problems.

Through our DB Learning Platform, children are able to send messages to teachers and teachers are able to monitor closely all activity. Children can alert teachers to any inappropriate messages or behaviour so it can be addressed in a timely manner. Teachers monitor engagement levels of all children and follow up any concerns with phone calls home.

At Astmoor Primary School, we will offer technical support to families who may not have the appropriate equipment to access remote learning. We have a supply of laptops to distribute to families who need them and we will endevour to find solutions to any other technical challenges that families may face.

Our ambition is for all children to have the capacity and skills to be able to access remote learning but we also acknowledge that this won't always be possible for all children. We will provide fortnightly packs of work to children who require it on the understanding that this will be completed and returned to school for monitoring purposes.

To further support families, we have provided 'home learning packs' consisting of exercise books and basic equipment for any child that needs one.

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