School newsletters are regularly sent out to keep everyone informed about school events, news and issues. Paper copies can be requested via the school office or by emailing the School Business Manager: [email protected]
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Wednesday 4th January 2023.doc Tuesday 7th February 2023.doc Monday 27th February 2023.doc Monday 13th March 2023.doc Monday 19th December 2022.doc Thursday 24th November 2022.doc Monday 10th October 2022.doc Thursday 15th September 2022.doc Thursday 1st September 2022.doc Monday 27th March 2023.doc Monday 17th April 2023.doc Wednesday 10th May 2023.doc Tuesday 6th June 2023.doc Thursday 23rd June 2023.doc Tuesday 11th July 2023.doc Wednesday 6th September 2023.doc Tuesday 19th September 2023.doc Monday 11th December 2023.doc Wednesday 13th December 2023.doc Tuesday 20th February 2024.doc Tuesday 19th March 2024.doc Monday 15th April 2024.doc Thursday 16th May 2024.doc