Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Astmoor Primary School, all teachers in their planning, teaching and assessment, take account of a wide variety of abilities, aptitudes and interests. The majority of children will learn and progress well. Those children whose overall attainment and achievement in specific subjects fall significantly outside the expected level may have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). Similarly there may be children whose emotional development is in some way compromised and therefore they may need reasonable adjustments to be made in terms of how they are supported and managed.

SEMH Resource Bases

In May 2024, we opened two Special Needs Resource Bases for children with SEMH (social, emotional, mental health) needs. Children are placed in these bases via the Local Authority placement panel. Whilst we recognise that the provision for these children may look different and staffing ratios are higher, we aim for them to become part of the wider school community as much as possible. 

All SEND provision is overseen and managed by the SEND Leader, Mrs Aldridge. The progress of all children, including those with SEND is monitored by our Deputy Headteacher, Suzanne Armstrong. Together, they monitor, review and evaluate all SEND provision on a regular basis throughout the year. They set high expectations for all pupils and staff.

Full details of the SEND provision we are able to offer can be found in here http://localoffer.haltonchildrenstrust.co.uk/

The role of outside agencies

With the needs of the child at the heart of what we do, we may seek support from other agencies. This would be when we need specific or substantially greater help such as advice from Educational Psychologists, the School Nurse, Occupational or Physiotherapy Services and the Special Needs Team. 

What do I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

You should contact your child’s teacher initially or arrange a meeting with the SEND Leader, Mrs Aldridge. We will listen carefully to concerns and put appropriate actions in place. This may involve suggesting other professionals who might be able to help. Because we closely monitor every child’s attainment and progress, it’s likely that we will have already spoken to you about any concerns we have.


How will school support my child?

The class teacher will plan specific targets using an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and the support needed to meet those targets. This is likely to include lots of extra practice of a specific aspect of learning over the course of the week as well as differentiated tasks within lessons. This will be overseen by the SEND Leader and any other professionals involved with the child. Any alternative provision will be delivered by teachers and support staff and will be reviewed regularly by teachers and the Inclusion Leader. Any plans or targets will be shared with you at parent's evenings or at review meetings with the SEND Leader.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

Astmoor Primary has a caring and supportive ethos. We are an inclusive school and carry the Inclusion Mark in recognition of this.We make sure all our children have the highest levels of pastoral care possible. The addition of a School Family Support Worker also ensures that the wider needs of the family and child are fully supported and co-ordination of other services is smooth. We work in partnership with many outside agencies such as School Health, Primary CAMHS and and our Education Welfare service in order to support the needs of all children. All our staff are trained in child protection procedures and there are two members of staff, Mrs Aldridge, Headteacher and the Family Support Worker, Liz Hughes, who are specially designated to ensure the safeguarding of all children.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

We ensure all children with SEND are able to access all activities and school trips enjoyed by their peers (although these may have be adapted for those with specific needs). We consult with parents / carers when planning activities to ensure safety and inclusion. Some children with complex needs will receive extra funding and this may be used to employ additional staff to promote independence and allow inclusion in as much of the day as possible.

How will your school help my child move on to the next phase of education?

Transition arrangements are firmly established in the school. You and your child, where appropriate, will be involved in any decisions made. Social and emotional support is planned to ensure all children make transitions smoothly and confidently. We have strong relationships with all the local high schools which ensures that information is shared and appropriate plans can be put into place.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The SEND Leader will take advice from all professionals involved with the child alongside the views of you and your child. The best possible package of support will be put in place. We will regularly monitor the support and update where necessary.

Further information about Special Educational Needs can be found in our annual SEND report.

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